Mushroom Grower Increases Production Output By 5000 lbs a Day

By | April 9, 2015

A large Mushroom grower needed a way to ensure that the tills of mushrooms were being filled to the proper weight and a means to verify the productivity of each employee. Since whole mushrooms vary in weight and size, the tills of mushrooms were filled by hand. They knew the weight of the bulk mushrooms and the total weight of all the mushrooms packaged that day and they realized that almost 4% of product was lost or unaccounted for during the packaging process. This needed to be improved to keep a healthy profit margin for this company.

THE SOLUTION involved the Doran 2200CW Checkweigh Scale with Ethernet and Excelerator Data Collection.

10 Doran 2200CW Checkweigh scales with wired Ethernet were installed in each production line (Seven total lines). They were connected to a PC with Dorans CW Setup program which contained a library of all products with over and under tolerances. The scales require the operator to log in with an employee ID; this allows all of their packaging for the shift to be recorded. The line leader enters the product to be run in the CW Setup program which then uploads this information and over under tolerances to the 2200CW scales on that line. After the 2200CW scales are setup with the product information and tolerances the Doran Excelerator program starts to collect the data on each weighment from each scale and each packer.