Monthly Archives: November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

We hope all of you have a great Thanksgiving and enjoy the time with your family and friends and think about all the wonderful things we all have to be thankful for.  We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.

Ways To Avoid Airline Baggage Fees

These days everyone is looking to cut costs and find ways to raise additional revenue. One way the airlines can do this is by charging customers an additional fee if their bags weigh more than a certain weight. Unfortunately, many passengers have no real accurate way to measure the weight of their bag until they… Read More »

Scale Repair & Calibration

For over 3 decades, Central Carolina Scale has provided our clients with outstanding scale repair services and calibration. Over the years we have worked hard to become one of the most dependable sources of scale repair and scale calibration in the state of North Carolina. Our customer’s depend on our accurate testing and knowledgeable service… Read More »