Buy Label Printing Scale and Get $50 Gift Card

By | April 9, 2015

Starting 7/15/2010, CAS Scale will begin offering to customers of Central Carolina Scale $50 (Visa/Mastercard Gift Card) for every CL5000 and/or LP1000’s that they purchase till 8/15/2010. For each qualifying product purchased, $50 will be added to the gift card. That can be a lot of savings!

The CL5000 Label Printing Scale has the functions you need at an affordable price. Includes CL-Works software package. Use in supermarkets, specialty stores, deli’s and more. 60 lb Capacity with 3,000 PLU’s & 1,000 Ingredients. CL-Works Software Package Included. Features PLU Editor – Label Editor – Keypad Editor. Compatible with Microsoft Windows® 2000 / XP / Vista.

The CAS LP-1000 Thermal Label Printing Scale was designed specifically for the food service environment where you need to pre-pack and price items. The CAS LP 1000 is perfect for your deli or grocery. With 54 preset Pricing keys and the flexibility to pre-program your items, prices, and ingredients into the scale, thus reducing errors and giving the consumer the information they require. Optional pole display (model LP-1000NP) is also available.

This promotion will run for a limited time only. For instructions on how to claim gift cards, see below. Please note: All gift card requests from end-users must be postmarked within 20 days of the invoice date.  Qualifying Products must be purchased between 7/15/2010 – 8/15/2010 to be eligible for this promotion. Qualifying products are: CL5000B – CL5000R – LP1000N – LP1000NP.