Hmm, I need a new checkweigher? Better go with a Doran!

By | December 19, 2014

When people think of digital checkweighers, they almost always think of the Doran 4200 Digital Washdown Checkweigher. Programming via the water resistant touch panel makes setup fast, easy, and accurate. Bright color coded Over, Under & Accept checkweigh indicators. Store or recall up to twenty product tares and over/under tolerance values with a touch of the Product Button.

The Digibar feature allows the user to monitor weights precisely, as each LED indicator light illuminates independently. Doran’s exclusive software filter provides stable weights in less than one second. Displays in lb, kg, oz, or lb&oz. Bright red LED displays. Washdown Safe, All Electronic, NTEP Certified, Standard 2 Year Warranty.