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Precision Weighing Balances for sale


Balances are extremely important for laboratory use. High Precision Measuring for laboratory applications requiring 0.1 milligram readability will need a reliable weighing balance and we have the solution you're looking for. Our selection of balances is perfect for just about any application from a pharmaceutical laboratory to a university science class. From a high precision manufacturing application to basic quality control office, we can provide you with the right item for your laboratory weighing needs. We feature top manufacturers of balances like A&D, Ohaus, Sartorius, Rice Lake, and Adam Equipment. Contact our sales team today for product recommendations and competitive prices. Many balances feature internal calibration, easy to read displays, and draft shields. Having trouble deciding which balance, contact one of our scale experts who can provide insight and product overviews. Ohaus balances offer award-winning performance and value while A&D balances are easy to use and super reliable.

What Laboratory Balance Should I Buy?

We are often asked what lab balance should I buy or what brand of balance should I purchase? In our experience it's best to contact a few reputable scale distributors (like us) and/or manufacturers and tell them what you plan to do with the weighing balance and what your expectations are regarding things like features, capacity, readability, price, etc... At Central Carolina Scale we provide customers with our reviews on gram balances and thoughts on each balance and each brand's reputation. And we offer the top brands of laboratory scales available today from names like Ohaus, A&D, Sartorius and Adam Equipment. We actually have quite a few choices available with various capacity options and decimal places to choose from.

Every so often we are asked who makes the best weighing balance for laboratories and honestly it's difficult to say for certain. However, we can tell you that our A&D, Mettler Toledo, Precisa, Adam Equipment, Ohaus, and Vibra balances available from Central Carolina Scale are some of the finest weighing machines that you're going to find. The odds are if you're looking for a grams or milligrams weighing solution for your laboratory, we can help you out with one of these outstanding scale manufacturers.