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Avery Weigh-Tronix Steelbridge XT Steel Deck Truck Scale

Avery Weigh-Tronix Steelbridge XT Steel Deck Truck Scale

Avery Weigh-Tronix Steelbridge XT truck scale is an extra rugged vehicle scale designed for heavy, frequent use in demanding environments. This truck scale is rugged yet cost effective due to the structural integrity and efficiency of its design. The sandwich steel deck design provides outstanding strength and durability.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Avery Weigh-Tronix Steelbridge XT truck scale is an extra rugged vehicle scale designed for heavy, frequent use in demanding environments.

This heavy duty truck scale, available from Central Carolina Scale, is rugged yet cost effective due to the structural integrity and efficiency of its design. The sandwich steel deck design provides outstanding strength and durability for these industrial scales.


Steel Deck Truck Scale (IMXT)
The SteelBridge XT (IMXT) is a true heavyweight in the industry. It is a premium scale engineered to thrive on heavy, frequent, day-to-day use. The extra rugged design and construction means structural integrity will be maintained, even after many years of heavy use. With a 15 year weighbridge warranty, you can be sure the IMXT will be operating long after the competitor's scale has worn out. It features extra heavy steel components that are 100% welded together throughout the structure


Truck scale available in a wide variety of capacities and sizes
With a wide variety of capacities and sizes, up to 135 tons, this vehicle scale can handle a wide range of trucks and configurations. The scale’s low profile cuts down on overall space requirements and cost by using a shorter approach area.


Galvanized truck scales for added durability
This steel deck truck scale can be galvanized for total corrosion resistance and maximum surface durability. The entire module of the truck scale is hot dipped in molten zinc so that all surfaces are coated, inside and out, making the scale highly corrosion resistant and greatly extending its life expectancy in corrosive applications. All Avery Weigh-Tronix truck scales come backed by industry leading warranty options to ensure a low cost-of-ownership.


Multi-platform axle weighers
These truck scales are also available as a multi-platform system, providing accurate axle weighing plus a legal-for-trade gross weight in a single action. Truck scales that are configured for one-stop axle weighing combine multiple independent scales in a common foundation and are designed to accommodate the vehicle’s axle spacing.


Rugged, Reliable Weighing
Our vehicle scales utilize the Weigh Bar; an extremely rugged, highly reliable, load sensing device that is designed to overcome the shortcomings of many competitor load cells. The unique, patented design provides inherent strength and overload protection, while also providing accuracy and high reliability.


The Avery Weigh-Tronix IMXT Series truck scales have a concentrated load capacity (CLC) and dual tandem axle capacity (DTA) of 90,000 lb (45,000 kg). The “r” factor rating is 2.65 on all sizes. IMXT Series includes: 75K alloy steel Easi-Post Weigh Bars® with stainless steel Easi-Post components (threaded cap, post, and lower cup), 50' interface cable, junction boxes, platform ground wires with clamps, surge protection for Weigh Bars and junction box, and AC line protection for indicator. Interface cable and all Weigh Bar cable is stainless steel sheathed. The IMXT series arrives at the installation site in pre-assembled modules. Final calibration of electronics must be done after the steel decks have been installed.


NTEP CoC# 98-040
SteelBridge XT Extreme Duty, IMXT Series
Steel Deck, Flat Top, Motor Truck Scale
Legal-for-Trade CoC 98-040



IMXT Series: 10-ft width, 14-in profile (actual platform width 9' 10 ½")


PART # ................................ MODEL ................................. CAPACITY (lb) ............................... SIZE

One Module:
AWT05-503709 .................... IMXT 1010 .................................. 100,000 ........................................ 10'-0"
AWT05-503710 .................... IMXT 1210 .................................. 100,000 ........................................ 12'-0"
AWT05-503711 .................... IMXT 2010 .................................. 100,000 ........................................ 20'-8"
AWT05-503712 .................... IMXT 2410 .................................. 100,000 ........................................ 24'-0"

Two Modules:
AWT05-503713 ................... IMXT 3010 .................................... 200,000 ....................................... 29'-7 1/4"
AWT05-503714 ................... IMXT 3510 .................................... 200,000 ....................................... 34'-11 1/4"
AWT05-503715 ................... IMXT 4010 .................................... 200,000 ....................................... 40'-3 1/4"
AWT05-503716 ................... IMXT 4710 .................................... 200,000 ....................................... 46'-11 1/4"

Three Modules:
AWT05-503717 ................... IMXT 6010 .................................... 270,000 ........................................ 59' -10 1/2"
AWT05-503718 ................... IMXT 7010 .................................... 270,000 ........................................ 69' -10 1/2"

Four Modules:
AWT05-503719 ................... IMXT 8010 .................................... 270,000 ........................................ 79'-5 3/4"
AWT05-503720 ................... IMXT 9310 .................................... 270,000 ........................................ 92'-9 3/4"

Five Modules:
AWT05-503721 .................. IMXT 10010 ................................... 270,000 ......................................... 99'-1"
AWT05-503722 .................. IMXT 11610 ................................... 270,000 ......................................... 115'-9"

IMXT Series: 11-ft width, 14-in profile (actual platform width is 11')

One Module:
AWT05-503723 .................... IMXT 1011 ................................ 100,000 .............................................. 10'-0"
AWT05-503724 .................... IMXT 1211 ................................ 100,000 .............................................. 12'-0"
AWT05-503725 .................... IMXT 2011 ................................ 100,000 .............................................. 20'-8"
AWT05-503726 .................... IMXT 2411 ................................ 100,000 .............................................. 24'-0"

Two Modules:
AWT05-503727 .................... IMXT 3011 ................................ 200,000 .............................................. 29'-7 1/4"
AWT05-503728 .................... IMXT 3511 ................................ 200,000 .............................................. 34'-11 1/4"
AWT05-503729 .................... IMXT 4011 ................................ 200,000 .............................................. 40'-3 1/4"
AWT05-503730 .................... IMXT 4711 ................................ 200,000 .............................................. 46'-11 1/4"

Three Modules:
AWT05-503731..................... IMXT 6011 ................................ 270,000 .............................................. 59'-10 1/2"
AWT05-503732..................... IMXT 7011 ................................ 270,000 .............................................. 69'-10 1/2"

Four Modules:
AWT05-503733 .................... IMXT 8011 ................................ 270,000 .............................................. 79'-5 3/4"
AWT05-503734 .................... IMXT 9311 ................................ 270,000 .............................................. 92'-9 3/4"

Five Modules:
AWT05-503735 ................... IMXT 10011 ............................... 270,000 ............................................... 99' 1"
AWT05-503736 ................... IMXT 11611 ............................... 270,000 ............................................... 115' 9"


IMXT Series: 12-ft width, 14-in profile (actual platform width is 12')

One Module:
AWT05-503737 .................... IMXT 1012 .............................. 100,000 ................................................. 10'-0"
AWT05-503738 .................... IMXT 1212 .............................. 100,000 ................................................. 12'-0"
AWT05-503739 .................... IMXT 2012 .............................. 100,000 ................................................. 20'-8"
AWT05-503740 .................... IMXT 2412 .............................. 100,000 ................................................. 24'-0"

Two Modules:
AWT05-503741 .................... IMXT 3012 ............................. 200,000 ................................................. 29'-7 1/4"
AWT05-503742 .................... IMXT 3512 ............................. 200,000 ................................................. 34'-11 1/4"
AWT05-503743 .................... IMXT 4012 ............................. 200,000 ................................................. 40'-3 1/4"
AWT05-503744 .................... IMXT 4712 ............................. 200,000 ................................................. 46'-11 1/4"

Three Modules:
AWT05-503745 ................... IMXT 6012 .............................. 270,000 ................................................. 59'-10 1/2"
AWT05-503746 ................... IMXT 7012 .............................. 270,000 ................................................. 69'-10 1/2"

Four Modules:
AWT05-503747 ................... IMXT 8012 ............................. 270,000 ................................................... 79'-5 3/4"
AWT05-503748 ................... IMXT 9312 ............................. 270,000 ................................................... 92'-9 3/4"

Five Modules:
AWT05-503749 .................. IMXT 10012 ............................. 270,000 .................................................. 99' 1"
AWT05-503750 .................. IMXT 11612 ............................. 270,000 .................................................. 115' 9"



Blue Blanket Warranty (AWT97-501690)

For Multi-Platform systems, add individual module prices as required 
Special lengths and widths 
Special colors available
Galvanize available

50' SS sheathed interface cable Included
Additional stainless steal sheathed interface cable (P/N 48548-0024)
Additional non-sheathed cable . — P/N 13761-0028

MSHA Guide rail - Bolted, powder-painted yellow, 24" high double rail
Guide post - 6' long, 6" diameter, Schedule 40 steel pipe, painted yellow (P/N 50656-0010)

T-iron filler strips (10', 11' or 12' length) for gap between approach and scale end
(10 ft. p/n 50898-0018, 11 ft. p/n 50898-0026, 12 ft. p/n 50898-0034)


Truck scales are available with an optional galvanized finish that meets ASTM 123 standards. The galvanizing process alloys the zinc to the steel surfaces of the truck scale. Each scale module is completely submerged in liquid zinc. Special openings allow modules to be fully galvanized both inside and outside. The galvanizer anticipates surface lasting from 30 to 40 years. The Weigh Bars are standard and do not include galvanizing. Cost of galvanizing is based on overall shipping weight of scale after it has been galvanized. The process adds approximately 6% to overall scale shipping weight. Freight Notes: The scale is at the galvanizer for approximately one week and ships directly from there to customer.