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Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab Truck Scale Foundations

Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab Truck Scale Foundations

Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab Truck Scale Foundations, in either steel or concrete, can be set into place in a matter of Hours. A Pre-Fab foundation can cut time and labor from your next truck scale installation. Just unload, assemble and start weighing.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab Truck Scale Foundations, in either steel or concrete, can be set into place in a matter of hours. Should the scale need to move, there is no additional expense for building a new foundation. Just pick up the foundation and take it with you. A Pre-Fab foundation can cut time and labor from your next truck scale installation. Just unload, assemble and start weighing. Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab Truck Scale Foundation (pdf brochure)

The Avery Weigh-Tronix Pre-Fab foundation is specifically designed for use with the BridgeMont (except LP-8) and SteelBridge XT series truck scale products. The Pre-Fab foundation was developed for those customers who want the convenience and economies of a Pre-Fab steel foundation. The Pre-Fab foundation assembles arrive at the job site in factory assembled kits. Module kits are available in 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 module configurations. Kits will accommodate either 10' or 11' wide sizes.

Pre-Fab foundations are not recommended for any permanent installations where frost heaving is a problem or there is not a solid base.

Part Number ........... Model ................... Modules ...................... Size ........
52583-0014 ........... PFS-120 ....................... 1 .................... 20' x 10' or 11'
52583-0022 ........... PFS-124 ....................... 1 ..................... 24' x 10' or 11'
52583-0030 ........... PFS-126 ....................... 1 ..................... 26' x 10' or 11'
52583-0048 ........... PFS-240 ....................... 2 .................... 40' x 10' or 11'
52583-0055 ........... PFS-247 ....................... 2 .................... 47’ x 10' or 11'
52583-0063 ............ PFS-250 ...................... 2 .................... 50' x 10' or 11'
52583-0071 ............ PFS-360 ...................... 3 .................... 60' x 10' or 11'
52583-0089 ............ PFS-370 ...................... 3 .................... 70' x 10' or 11'
52583-0097 ............ PFS-375 ...................... 3 .................... 75' x 10' or 11'
52583-0105 ............ PFS-480 ...................... 4 .................... 80' x 10' or 11'
52583-0113 ............ PFS-493 ...................... 4 .................... 93’ x 10' or 11'
52583-0121 ............ PFS-4100 .................... 4 .................. 100’ x 10' or 11'
52583-0139 ............ PFS-5100 .................... 5 .................. 100' x 10' or 11'
52583-0147 ............ PFS-5116 .................... 5 .................. 116' x 10' or 11'
52583-0154 ............ PFS-5124 .................... 5 .................. 124' x 10' or 11'