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Avery Weigh-Tronix Bench Scale Bases

Avery Weigh-Tronix Bench Scale Bases

Available in a range of sizes and capacities, Avery Weigh-Tronix bench bases are designed for a range of environments and applications. Bench scale bases can be paired with a range of indicators, software and accessories for a complete weighing, checkweighing, counting or data management solution.


Call: (919) 776-7737

Avery Weigh-Tronix 3600 QDT Bench Scale Bases 3600 Series

QDT Bench Bases
Legal-for-Trade CC 95-071 Class III 10,000 Divisions Class II 11,000 Divisions
3600 Series High resolution digital QDT Bench Bases, die cast aluminum base construction with a stainless steel shroud supplied with 10' of cable for connecting to either a PC-820 counting scale or E1310 indicator.

PART # ............................ MODEL ................ CAPACITY .................. SIZE
50087-0027 ................... 3633T-10 ................ 10 lbs ........................ 12" x 14" (8" diamater)
9503-15729 ................... 3633T-50 ................ 50 lbs ........................ 12" x 14"
9503-15730 ................... 3633T-100 .............. 100 lbs ...................... 12" x 14"


7200-15145 ........ Ball-top shroud (field retrofit kit) for 3633 Models (N/A on 10 lb capacity)
49385-0028 ........ 10' - E1310 interface cable
49387-0026 ........ 10' - PC-820 interface cable

Note: E1310 has 9-pin connector on base end and stripped and tinned leads on indicator end.
Note: PC-820 cable has 9-pin connector on base end and a 9-pin connector on PC-820 scale.





Avery Weigh-Tronix Diamond Series Bench Scale Bases

Tough carbon or stainless steel bench scales with a large range of sizes from 30 to 500 lb capacities. Industrial scales built for a lifetime of hard work, they have one Weigh Bar and no moving parts for low maintenance. Options include a ball top shroud and portable cart.

Large selection - Capacities range from 30 to 500 lb. Deck sizes consist of 14, 18, 20 and 24"
Rugged - Overload stops protect scale from excessive loads or dropped objects.
Reliable - Single Weigh Bar design with no moving parts for low maintenance.

Ball-top shroud - Reduces operator lifting and bending.
Portable cart - Easily move the scale from site to site.
Extended cable length - Beneficial for when the application calls for placing the indicator at a remote location.

Carbon steel bases:
Zinc plated carbon steel construction
Epoxy painted shroud

BS Diamond Series Bench Base
Mild Steel - Less Indicator
Legal-for-Trade NTEP CC 88-104 A2 Class III 5000 Divisions (S.WA-3094)

Mild Steel Diamond Bench base

PART # ...................... MODEL ........................ CAPACITY ............. SIZE ......
21374-0012 ............ BSNO1818-50 ....................... 50 lb ............. 18 x 18 x 4
50868-0014 ............ BSNO1824-100 ..................... 100 lb ........... 18 x 24 x 4
21375-0011 ............ BSNO2020-100 ..................... 100 lb ........... 20 x 20 x 4
28142-0018 ............ BSNO2020-200 ..................... 200 lb ........... 20 x 20 x 4
28144-0016 ............ BSNO2424-100 ..................... 100 lb ........... 24 x 24 x 4
21376-0010 ............ BSNO2424-200 ..................... 200 lb ........... 24 x 24 x 4
55080-0015 ............ BSNO2424-500 ..................... 500 lb ........... 24 x 24 x 4

Mild Steel Diamond Bench base with Roller Ball Top

AWT05-506180 ...... BSNO1818-50 .................... 50 lb ............... 18 x 18 x 4
AWT05-506185 ...... BSNO1824-100 .................. 100 lb ............. 18 x 24 x 4
AWT05-506181 ...... BSNO2020-100 .................. 100 lb ............. 20 x 20 x 4
AWT05-506182 ...... BSNO2020-200 .................. 200 lb ............. 20 x 20 x 4
AWT05-506183 ...... BSNO2424-100 .................. 100 lb ............. 24 x 24 x 4
AWT05-506184 ...... BSNO2424-200 .................. 200 lb ............. 24 x 24 x 4
AWT05-506186 ...... BSNO2424-500 .................. 500 lb ............. 24 x 24 x 4

50695-0013 ............. BSNO 1414 ball-top shroud, carbon steel (field installed)
50695-0039 ............. BSNO 1818 ball-top shroud, carbon steel (field installed)
50695-0096 ............. BSNO 1824 ball-top shroud, carbon steel (field installed)
50695-0054 ............. BSNO 2020 ball-top shroud, carbon steel (field installed)
50695-0070 ............. BSNO 2424 ball-top shroud, carbon steel (field installed)
AWT05-506285 ...... 20” x 20” stainless Steel Column mounting kit Z series (no indicator stand required)
AWT05-506286 ...... 24” x 24” stainless Steel Column mounting kit Z series (no indicator stand required)
AWT05-506329 ...... 20” x 20” stainless Steel Column mounting kit GSE series (indicator stand required)
AWT05-506328 ...... 24” x 24” stainless Steel Column mounting kit GSE series (indicator stand required)
AWT05-506332 ...... Adaptor plate kit (adapts GSE column above to accept WI127, E1310, E1070)

BSNO Series comes standard with 10' weight sensor cable. They have a high grade powder paint finish understructure and shroud.



Stainless steel bases:
Stainless steel shroud and stainless steel under-structure and load cell
Overload: Up to 150% of the scale capacity
Temperature: Compensated from 14° to 104°F (-10° to 40°C)

Stainless Steel - Less Indicator
Legal-for-Trade NTEP CC 88-104 A2 Class III 5000 Divisions (S.WA-3094)

Stainless Steel Diamond Bench base

PART # ........................ MODEL ........................... CAPACITY ........................ SIZE ...........
AWT05-506057 ....... BSAO1414-30 ........................... 30 lb ....................... 14 x 14 x 5
AWT05-506058 ....... BSAO1818-50 ........................... 50 lb ....................... 18 x 18 x 5
AWT05-506105 ....... BSAO1824-100 ......................... 100 lb ..................... 18 x 24 x 5
AWT05-506059 ....... BSAO1824-200 ......................... 200 lb ..................... 18 x 24 x 5
AWT05-800051 ....... BSAO2020-100 ......................... 100 lb ..................... 20 x 20 x 5
AWT05-800052 ....... BSAO2020-200 ......................... 200 lb ..................... 20 x 20 x 5
AWT05-506106 ....... BSAO2424-100 ......................... 100 lb ..................... 24 x 24 x 5
AWT05-800053 ....... BSAO2424-200 ......................... 200 lb ..................... 24 x 24 x 5
AWT05-800054 ....... BSAO2424-500 ......................... 500 lb ..................... 24 x 24 x 5

Stainless Steel Diamond Bench base with Roller Ball Top

AWT05-506156 ........ BSAO1414-30 ......................... 30 lb ........................ 14 x 14 x 5
AWT05-506157 ........ BSAO1818-50 ......................... 50 lb ........................ 18 x 18 x 5
AWT05-507947 ........ BSAO1824-100 ....................... 100 lb ...................... 18 x 24 x 5
AWT05-506161 ........ BSAO1824-200 ....................... 200 lb ...................... 18 x 24 x 5
AWT05-506158 ........ BSAO2020-100 ....................... 100 lb ...................... 20 x 20 x 5
AWT05-506153 ........ BSAO2020-200 ....................... 200 lb ...................... 20 x 20 x 5
AWT05-506159 ........ BSAO2424-100 ....................... 100 lb ...................... 24 x 24 x 5
AWT05-506160 ........ BSAO2424-200 ....................... 200 lb ...................... 24 x 24 x 5
AWT05-506162 ........ BSAO2424-500 ....................... 500 lb ...................... 24 x 24 x 5

50695-0021 ........... BSAO 1414 ball-top shroud, stainless steel (field retrofit)
50695-0047 ........... BSAO 1818 ball-top shroud, stainless steel (field retrofit)
50695-0104 ........... BSAO 1824 ball-top shroud, stainless steel (field retrofit)
50695-0062 ........... BSAO 2020 ball-top shroud, stainless steel (field retrofit)
50695-0088 ........... BSAO 2424 ball-top shroud, stainless steel (field retrofit)
AWT05-506285 .... 20” x 20” stainless Steel Column mounting kit Z series 35" high column (no indicator stand required)
AWT05-506286 .... 24” x 24” stainless Steel Column mounting kit Z series 35" high column (no indicator stand required)
AWT05-506329 .... 20” x 20” stainless Steel Column mounting kit GSE series 35" high column (indicator stand required)
AWT05-506328 .... 24” x 24” stainless Steel Column mounting kit GSE series 35" high column (indicator stand required)
AWT05-506332 .... Adaptor plate kit (adapts GSE column above to accept WI127, E1310, E1070)

Note: All ball top shrouds and GSE indicator columns are not NSF Certified for use in food applications. Fully stainless steel Diamond bench base, Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 3-A 14159-1 -2010 designed for wash down applications to IP69K with 150% overload. Each comes with a 10' weight sensor cable



Bench Scale Cart

Food safe Bench Scale Cart provides an opportunity to add mobility to systems using a Diamond Series Bench Scale or ZQ375 Checkweigher. Constructed from food grade stainless steel with reduced bacterial traps. This single cart design has location points to secure 20"x 20" or 24" 24" Diamond base. Cart comes with a range of column stand assembly for the indicator (specify the indicator: ZM201, ZM300 series,GSE, E1070, WI127 or E1310).

AWT05-506326 ............ Stainless steel bench cart accomodates 20" x 20" or 24" x 24" diamond bench scales

*For 100 and 200 lb bases only. Consult factory for 500 lb bases


Indicator Column (Choose one)
AWT05-506330 ..... Column mounting kit for Z series indicators (no indicator stand required)
AWT05-506331 ..... Column mounting kit for GSE series indicators (indicator stand required)
AWT05-506332 ..... Adaptor plate kit (Adapts the GSE column above to accept WI127,E1070 & E1310 indicator stands)

Casters are zinc plated and approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF)





BSF/BSG Torsion Bases

Torsion bases are checkweigher bases designed for washdown applications. They are all stainless steel and can take 500% overload. Each comes with a 10' weight sensor cable.

Model BSF Torsion Base to IP69K
Legal-for-Trade 5000d NTEP CC 12-035 Class III (AM 5864)

PART # ................................ MODEL ............. CAPACITY ................. SIZE .............
AWT05-800045 ................... BSF-99-5 .................. 5 lb ................... 8.75" x 8.75"
AWT05-800037 ................... BSF-99-10 ............... 10 lb .................. 8.75" x 8.75"
AWT05-800039 ................... BSF-1214-25 ........... 25 lb .................. 12" x 14"
AWT05-800047 ................... BSF-1214-50 ........... 50 lb .................. 12" x 14"
AWT05-800048 ................... BSF-1214-100 ......... 100 lb ................ 12" x 14"

Model BSG Torsion Base to IP66 (NEMA4X)
Legal-for-Trade 3000d NTEP CC 03-067 Class III 3,000 Division (AM 5557)

AWT05-800060 ................... BSG-99-12 ................ 12 lb ................. 8.75" x 8.75"
AWT05-800063 ................... BSG-1214-30 ............ 30 lb ................. 12" x 14"
AWT05-800061 ................... BSG-1214-100 .......... 100 lb ............... 12" x 14"

BSG-99-12 bench base can be legally installed as a 6 lb capacity scale with 0.002 lb increments
BSG-1214-100 bench base can be legally installed as a 60 lb capacity scale with 0.02 lb increments

AWT05-800074 ....... Stainless steel column mount kit for ZM series of indicators 15" high
AWT15-500791 ....... Stainless steel column mount kit for GSE 460 indicators 15" high
AWT05-800079 ....... Stainless steel column mount kit for for ZM series of indicators 23" high
AWT15-500792 ....... Stainless steel column mount kit for GSE 460 indicators 21" high
AWT05-506332 ....... Adopter Plate Kit (adopts GSE column to accept E1070 & E1310 indicator stands)


Note: Not FM approved