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A&D HW-CEP Series Intrinsically Safe Bench Scale

A&D HW-CEP Series Intrinsically Safe Bench Scale

HW-CEP Intrinsically safe scale for hazardous environments. The intrinsically safe product design ensures the highest level of safety and complies with the latest hazardous area standards. Weigh at the "Speed Of Light" in hazardous areas. The HW-CEP family of bench scales are certified to global standards IECEx, ATEX and FM/FMc and are approved for use in FM Class 1, Division 1, groups C & D hazardous areas.


Call: (919) 776-7737

The A&D Weighing HW-CEP bench scale family is designed to weigh safely in potentially explosive atmospheres. The intrinsically safe product design ensures the highest level of safety and complies with the latest hazardous area standards. The fully configurable, large 5 segment lights enable fast, accurate checkweighing. Auto-tare, accumulation and counting features add to the benefits of this truly versatile hazardous area scale, available from Central Carolina Scale.

intrinsically safe bench scale from a&d


Compliance to Safety
The HW-CEP Series Bench Scale is designed to weigh safely in potentially hazardous environments. This intrinsically safe product ensures the highest level of safety and is approved according to global standards for use in FM Class 1, Division 1.

Easy and Flexible Installation
Battery operation eliminates the need to secure power from a safe area behind a safe barrier saving you both time and money and gives you the flexibility to move the scale anywhere.

The HW-CEP Series operates on 4 D approved batteries, making it unnecessary to secure power from a safe area via a safety barrier. This avoids the expense and inconvenience of special wiring installed by a qualified electrician. And with battery power, you can take the scale where you want to weigh.

* 1000+ hours of battery life
* No need to secure power from a safe area
* Flexibility to operate the scale anywhere

Fast and Simple Measurements
Increased through-put with 1.5 second stabilization times and intuitive operation makes easy work out of even complex weighing applications in hazardous areas.

* 1.5 second response time
* Large 25mm character, LCD Display with alphanumeric keypad
* Multi-colored 5 step LED Comparator lights
* Key lock function prevents unwanted changes
* Host of built in functions including piece counting, auto-tare, and accumulation (M+)

Dependable and Robust
The stainless steel weighing pan resists chemicals, scratches and rust. The IP65 base is easy to keep clean and hygienic and allows for weighing where spills are a potential hazard.

* IP65 rated base for both dust and water
* SUS430 stainless steel weigh pan



Model ................... Capacity ................ x ............ Resolution ......................... Weighing Pan Size
HW-10KCEP     10kg / 20lb / 320oz / 20lb-oz x 0.001kg / 0.002lb / 0.05oz / 0.1oz             9.8 x 9.5in
HW-60KCEP     60kg / 150lb / 2400oz x 0.005kg / 0.01lb / 0.2oz                                    13.0 x 16.7in
HW-100KCEP   100kg / 200lb / 3200 oz x 0.01kg / 0.02lb / 0.5oz                                    15.4 x 20.9in
HW-200KCEP   220kg / 500lb / 8000oz x 0.02kg / 0.05lb / 1oz                                        15.4 x 20.9in