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Rice Lake WeighVault Software for CW90

Rice Lake WeighVault Software for CW90

WeighVault allows CW-90/90X users to add, edit, and access IDs over a network connection. WeighVault surpasses the CW-90/90X's 50 ID limitation and eliminates front-panel entry of ID parameters. It also collects data as transactions occur, and provides detailed reports which can be exported to Excel.


Call: (919) 776-7737

WeighVault allows CW-90/90X users to add, edit, and access IDs over a network connection. WeighVault surpasses the CW-90/90X's 50 ID limitation and eliminates front-panel entry of ID parameters. It also collects data as transactions occur, and provides detailed transaction and productivity reports which can be exported to Excel, Word, or PDF. If an ID is entered in WeighVault, the CW-90/90X will load and begin using it when that ID number is selected from the front panel. Item # 117358