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Avery Weigh-Tronix Agricultural Scales

Avery Weigh-Tronix Agricultural Scales

Avery Weigh-Tronix makes heavy duty scales for agriculture and distributes them through a very select group of scale distributors like Central Carolina Scale Inc based in Sanford, NC. Every day, agricultural producers harvest benefits from our legendary, reliable scale performance. Whether the application is indoors or outdoors, stationary or mobile, our products have stood the test of time on thousands of farms worldwide and are ready to handle any agricultural environment.

With over 250 years of history, Avery Weigh-Tronix designs, manufactures, markets and services a broad range of high quality weighing products and systems which can be found in virtually every industrial environment worldwide.

Avery Weigh-Tronix is a technology developer and manufacturer of weighing products and systems for customers with demanding and changing needs. We entered the marketplace in time to help guide the weighing industry from mechanical to electronic technology with the introduction of the Weigh Bar® weight sensor. You can also click the link below to see our entire lineup of Avery Weigh-Tronix Industrial scales.

  • weigh-tronix-ag-scale-weigh-bar-kit.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix Ag Weigh Bar KitsYou understand the need for having scales but costs have kept you guessing. Avery Weigh-Tronix offers a solution. Build your own scale! We supply the Weigh Bars and indicator and you turn them into your scale. Weigh Bars can be connected directly to the indicator. Turn an existing chute into a livestock scale
  • weigh-tronix-ag-scales-640m-indicator.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix Ag 640M Digital IndicatorThe Model 640M is a "miniature" general purpose indicator which provides simple, yet accurate and reliable weighing used on mixers, grain carts (grain chasers), livestock scales, feed bins, weigh carts and many more applications. Ideal for places like truck and tractor cabs where space is limited. Motion Filtering.
  • weigh-tronix-ag-scale-chute-weigh-system.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix Ag Chute Weigh ScaleIdeal for livestock weighing and herd management. The ease of installation and setup, allows the Chute Weigh system to be accurately weighing in just minutes. Installation can be portable or permanent depending on specific application. Easy Mounting - Mounting under manual or hydraulic squeeze chutes
In the 1960s, New Jersey engineer Dick Bradley invented the Weigh Bar, an all electronic strain gauge weight sensor designed to deliver precise, repeatable readings, with a weatherproof and shockproof design which allowed it to withstand environmental challenges. Our Weigh Bars provided the durable accurate solution producers needed to operate their grinder/mixers more efficiently.

In 1971, Weigh-Tronix (now Avery Weigh-Tronix) began selling the scale system itself directly to farm equipment manufacturers. Since then, the company has stayed true to its roots, working closely with partners in the agricultural industry and drawing on research and development from around the globe to ensure that we consistently meet our customers' needs with reliable yet cost effective solutions.

Every day, agricultural producers harvest benefits from our legendary, reliable scale performance. Whether the application is indoors or outdoors, stationary or mobile, our products have stood the test of time on thousands of farms worldwide and are ready to handle any agricultural environment.

In addition to the products listed, we offer the complete Avery Weigh-Tronix Ag Scales lineup which includes items like the Model 3060 indicator, 640XL, 1040XL, 2040XL, 915A, 5500, XLR-8 / XLR-12, XLR-6, wireless displays, and remote displays, CP103 printer, Alley Weigh Weigh Bars, Axle/Spindle Weigh Bars, Chute Weigh Weigh Bars, Double Ended Weigh Bars, Hitch Weigh Bars, and Platform Weigh Bars.