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textile scales

Industries - Scales for Textiles

Textile Weighing Applications

Weighing scales and systems from Central Carolina Scale in Sanford, NC can help textile manufacturers improve efficiency by measuring incoming raw materials, monitoring each stage of the manufacturing processes and weighing outgoing bales of finished product. Our industrial scales are designed to be long term weighing solutions, built to last for years.

Our innovative counting scales are perfectly suited for piece counting and bulk counting. They are highly accurate and resolve weights quickly, making them ideal for textile mills. Our Avery Weigh-Tronix truck scales and weighbridges weigh vehicles quickly and reliably. Our belt weighers and conveyor scales provide continuous weighing of bulk materials. For smaller loads, our industrial floor scales, forklift truck scales and portable bench scales are as tough and reliable as our larger scales, with a higher degree of precision. Contact us today.

  • weigh-tronix-bridgemont-hd-truck-scale.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix BMS HD Steel Deck Truck ScaleAvery Weigh-Tronix BMS HD truck scale is a heavy duty vehicle scale with a checkered steel deck driving surface. This rugged scale is ideal for users who require long-lasting performance for moderate to heavy traffic and axle loads. Cost effective due to the structural integrity and efficiency of the Bridgemont design.
  • weigh-tronix-flsc-fli425-forklift-scale.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix FLSC Forklift Truck ScaleThe Avery Weigh-Tronix FLSC forklift scale is a market leading system which turns an ordinary class II forklift truck into a mobile scale. This advanced digital scale features a wireless carriage option, which makes it tougher, smarter and safer than other designs.
  • weigh-tronics-prodec-floor-scale-system.jpg
    Avery Weigh-Tronix ProDec Floor Scale SystemAvery Weigh-Tronix Deck and Indicator System incorporates either a 48" x 48" or 60" x 60" 5,000 lb ProDec Floor Scale with Avery Weigh-Tronix ABS or Stainless Steel ZM201 Indicator or an Aluminum or Stainless Steel ZM301 or ZM303 Weight Indicator. Factory calibrated and certificate of calibration.
  • MBS-precision-lab-weighing-balance.jpg
    Brecknell MBS Affordable Precision Lab BalancesBrecknell combines years of precision weighing expertise with an economical alternative for what professionals demand from a balance. Brecknell MBS series is the sensible response to almost any application, in any market sectors requiring an accurate precision weighing solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of scales are used in the textile business - and why are they important?

Scales help you know exactly what raw materials are coming in and what amount of finished product is going out. Truck scales such as the Avery Weigh-Tronix BMS HD steel deck truck scale can weigh raw materials as they arrive at your facility. You know the supply you purchased and this helps confirm you received your full shipment.

Using conveyor scales and belt weighers throughout your manufacturing process will help you monitor productivity levels. And monitoring weights using tools such as the Avery Weigh-Tronix FLSC forklift truck scale or the Avery Weigh-Tronix ProDec floor scale system can monitor the weight of your output -- your outgoing bales.

When you have accurate numbers of the raw materials received and the outgoing bales, as well as throughout the manufacturing process, you can more accurately monitor the efficiency of your business. The more streamlined you become in the process, the healthier your bottom line will be.

Of course, a scale has to be accurate. We provide scale repair and calibration services. We also offer calibration weight sets for calibrating scales if you need to test your scales periodically.


What is the Weigh Bar?

As you may have noticed, many of our highly durable scales utilize the Weigh Bar. This patented load sensing device is used in the design of many of our scales due to its rugged reliability. Constructed of steel and using state-of-the-art technology to ensure that weight is measured properly, weight sensors are attached to the ends of the Weigh Bar, on the top and bottom, to reduce the chance of errors that may occur.

In the textile community, the weight usually comes from heavy bales composed of light pieces. Any little discrepancy can cost your business which is why having scales that are constructed in a way you can rely on them is important.

Scales such as the Avery Weigh-Tronix FLSC Forklift Truck Scale, the Avery Weigh-Tronix BMX HD Steel Deck Truck Scale, and the Avery Weigh-Tronix ProDec Floor Scale System all use Weigh Bar technology.


My textile business handles a lot of threads. How can I make sure I am getting accurate measurements of such lightweight items?

Threads are important components of the textile industry, but weighing them on a floor scale or with a forklift may not always seem the most feasible option. Smaller scales such as the Brecknell MBS Affordable Precision Lab Balances or any bench or counting scale sold by Central Carolina Scale.

Many of these scales can provide you with individual thread counts as well as total weight which can be very beneficial in keeping your production line moving.


How can I ensure that I am investing in the right scale for my textile business?


Before you can choose the best scale for your textile business, it is important to step back and look at how your scale will be used. How much weighing capacity do you need? What size scale will be the best fit? What is your budget? Are you looking for counting and weight - or just weight? Are you looking for weight continuously or only when loads arrive/depart your facility?

Solutions for scales for those in the textile industry are plentiful. For instance, the Avery Weigh-Tronix ProDec Floor Scale System is highly durable and accurate for heavy loads, such as weighing a bulk load before shipment. But if you are looking for scales to use continuously through the manufacturing process, conveyor scales allow you to keep a constant eye on your textiles -- and how efficiently they flow through your system.

Once you have an idea of what your needs are, then you can begin looking at the scales that are available to you. If you struggle in finding the right one, contact Central Carolina Scale at (919) 776-7737 and our professional team will help guide you.