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Tedea Huntleigh Load Cell

Tedea Huntleigh Load Cells

Tedea Huntleigh produces many outstanding load cells such as the 1250 single point. Vishay Tedea-Huntleigh has been at the forefront of load cell design for over 30 years. With an outstanding reputation, Tedea technological devlopment goes into each of its products as they are employed in every conceivable type of weighing application throughout the world - from fish scales in Iceland to coal bunkers in Australia. The primary goal is to ensure products are designed to be easy to use and provide the ultimate in performance, reliability and performance. Tedea-Huntleigh distributor Central Carolina Scale is proud to provide you with Tedea Huntleigh Load Cells.

The heart of any weighing system is the Tedea Huntleigh load cell. While they are not exciting to watch, Tedea 1042 load cells are highly accurate transducers which provides the user with information not generally obtainable by other technology due to commercial factors. Tedea cells are designed to sense force or weight under a wide range of adverse conditions; they are not only the most essential part of an electronic weighing system, but also the most vulnerable. In order to get the most benefit from the load cell, the user must have a thorough understanding of the technology, construction and operation of this unique device. In addition, it is imperative that the user selects the correct Tedea Huntleigh load cell for the application and provide the necessary care for the load cell during its lifetime. Understanding these important issues and properly maintaining the Tedea load cells will ensure trouble free weighing for a long period of time.

Click here for our Tedea Huntleigh Load Cell Catalog (pdf file)

  • tedea-huntleigh-1010-loadcell
    Tedea Huntleigh 1010 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1010 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum off-center loading load cell designed for direct mounting of a weighing platform and simplifying construction of platform scales. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments. Capacities from 3 to 90 kg
  • tedea 1015 balanced load cell
    Tedea Huntleigh 1015 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1015 Single Point, Aluminum load cell designed for direct mounting of a weighing platform. Capacities from 3 to 90 kg. Please note, the similar Tedea 1010 model is a non-balanced load cell (non-balanced bridge), while this 1015 is balanced.
  • tedea-huntleigh-1022-loadcell.jpg
    Tedea-Huntleigh 1022 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1022 Single Point, Aluminum very low-profile single-point load cell designed for direct mounting in low-cost platforms. Anodized aluminum construction is combined with two-beam machined technology to provide an affordable load cell option. 3 to 35 kg. Choice of load cell cable length.
  • tedea-huntleigh-1040-singlepoint-loadcell.jpg
    Tedea Huntleigh 1040 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1040 Potted & Unpotted Single Point, Aluminum Low-profile, off-center loading load cell. Designed for direct mounting of weighing platforms, hanging scales and other low capacity beam applications. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments.
  • tedea-huntleigh-1042-load-cell.jpg
    Tedea Huntleigh 1042 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1042 Single Point, Aluminum lower-profile single-point load cell for platform weighing. This model is constructed of aluminum, and is a two-beam design. This design offers high immunity to side forces and is specially coated to provide humidity resistance. 1 to 100 kg. Complete with 10' of cable. NTEP
  • tedea-huntleigh-1250-load-cell.jpg
    Tedea Huntleigh 1250 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1250 Potted Single Point, Aluminum High-capacity off-center loading load cell accurately weighs loads from 50 to 1000 kg (110.2 to 2205.0 lb) and NTEP approved. Load cells with potted cavities are available for improved performance in damp environments.
  • tedea-1260-loadcell.jpg
    Tedea Huntleigh 1260 Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1260 Single Point, Aluminum High-capacity, off-center loading aluminum single-point load cell is of the two-beam design, and is specially coated to assure durability in harsh environments. Capacities from 50 to 635 kg (110.2 to 1399.9 lb). Complete with 3.1 m/10' of load cell cable, NTEP.
  • tedea-huntleigh-1510-stainless-load-cell
    Tedea Huntleigh 1510 Stainless Steel Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1510 stainless steel, welded-seal, single-point load cell is ideally suited for washdown applications. Capacities range from 100 to 500 kilograms.
  • tedea-huntleigh-1130-load-cell
    Tedea Huntleigh 1130 Single Point Load CellTedea Huntleigh 1130 is a low profile stainless steel single point load cell ideally designed for direct mounting in bench and platform scales, packaging and process weighing equipment, and is built to perform in harsh environments. The small physical size, combined with high accuracy and low cost, makes this load cell ideally suited for low profile bench and counting scales. A special humidity resistant protective coating assures long term stability over the entire compensated temperature range.