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The simple, straightforward design of Rice Lake’s TP Series balance creates for an effortless user experience. Equipped with the unique Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTS), this balance series brings remarkable response time and exceptional stability to any setting.
The simple, straightforward design of Rice Lake’s TP Series creates for an effortless user experience. Equipped with the unique Mono-Metal Tuning Fork Sensor (MMTS), this balance series brings remarkable response time and exceptional stability to any setting. Some models available with draftshield. Please note, some of these used to be NTEP approved, however these are no longer offered as NTEP approved.
PART # ........ DESCRIPTION 107244 Balance,TP-220 Rice Lake 220G x 0.001G, 4.7IN Pan, 110VAC
Old P/N's for reference
NTEP Models (Class II)
108155.......... TP-420N................... 420 g........................ 0.01 g
108154.......... TP-4200N................. 4200 g...................... 0.1 g