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Scale Hardware - T-Strip

Scale Hardware - T-Strip

T-Strip Rubber Molding is very popular with truck scale owners. Seal the cracks around your pit-type truck scale to prevent gravel and debris from entering the pit. The T-shaped strip easily installs between the frame and scale, and is available in various lengths or by the foot.
  • T-Strip-Rubber-Molding.jpg
    T-Strip Rubber MoldingSeal the cracks around your pit-type truck scale to prevent gravel and debris from entering the pit. The T-shaped rubber strip easily installs between the frame and scale, and is available in various lengths or by the foot.
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    T-Strip Rubber Molding by the Foot T-Strip Molding, Rubber. Seal the cracks around your pit-type truck scale to prevent gravel and debris from entering the pit. The T-shaped rubber strip easily installs between the frame and scale. $12.00
  • weigh-tronix-t-belt-rubber-molding
    Avery Weigh-Tronix T-Rubber MoldingAt each end of a weighbridge, there is a clearance gap between the scale and the foundation. This opening allows the entry & accumulation of dirt, debris, product, snow, and water which can lead to premature wear, corrosion, and even weighing errors. Avery Weigh-Tronix T-Rubber Molding will reduce the amount of unwanted material that enters the gap at the ends of the scale.