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Scale Hardware - T-Grip

Scale Hardware - T-Grip

Rubber T-Grip Barbed Molding is popular with truck scale owners. Seal the cracks around your pit-type truck scale to prevent gravel and debris from entering the pit. T-Grip, as its name implies, is better suited for gripping the contact surface with its special barbed ridges. Available in various lengths.
  • btek-rubber-t-grip
    B-Tek T-Grip Molding with BarbsPriced per foot or standard size full roll of 143 foot.
  • T-Grip-Molding.jpg
    T-Grip Rubber MoldingSeal the cracks around your pit-type truck scale to prevent gravel and debris from entering the pit. T-Grip, as its name implies, is better suited for gripping the contact surface with its special barbed ridges. Available in various lengths.