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The Rice Lake RoughDeck FXB Flexure Lever Floor Scale’s unique flexure design filters motion and shock loading. The S-beam load cell is critical to the flexure functionality.
Available in a variety of sizes and weight capacities, the RoughDeck FXB Flexure Lever Floor Scale is customizable to a vast array of applications, and its rugged all steel design withstands damage. Available in painted steel version or stainless steel version.
ROUGHDECK FXB FLOOR SCALE STANDARD FEATURES• Rugged all-steel painted construction Stainless Steel Construction |
Rice Lake Roughdeck FXB Floor Scale (pdf file)
RoughDeck FXB Painted Steel, Flexure Lever Floor Scale
RoughDeck FXB Stainless Steel, Flexure Lever Floor Scale |
Consult Forklift skid, FXB-3846 through FXB-6084 provides two 8-channels mounted on customer specified centers. Includes 4 leveling feet on base
Consult Forklift skid with indicator column, FXB-3846 through FXB-6084 provides two 8-channel mounted on customer specified centers with one of the channels extended 12 inches and equipped with bolt on indicator column. Indicator display will be 54 inches above floor level