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NTEP Legal for Trade Certified Balance

Balances - NTEP Legal for Trade

NTEP legal for trade balances are available from Central Carolina Scale, located in Sanford, NC. In the majority of states, if you are selling or buying based on weight then you must have an NTEP certified scale. We have legal for trade jewelry scales with 0.1 gram readability. All the scales in this category have been NTEP certified Legal for Trade by the National Conference on Weights and Measures. NCWM tests devices and issues a certificate of conformance once the item passes Handbook 44 guidelines. These types of scales are typically used for weighing everything from medical marijuana to gold and silver necklaces. The scales have a Certificate of Conformance number (CoC#) somewhere on it which shows that the scale has passed NTEP requirements. If you purchase one of these scales, in most states, you will need to get the device certified and sealed by either your local state certified scale technician and/or by the state weights & measures inspector from the Standards division.
  • rice-lake-te-tuning-fork-lab-balance
    Rice Lake TE Series Tuning Fork Precision BalanceThe Rice Lake TE Series tuning fork balance provides quick response and stability with capacities in 220g, 620g, 3200g, 6,200g and 15,000g depending on the model.
  • adam-highland-precision-weigh-balances.jpg
    Adam Equipment Highland Lab BalanceHighland balances from Adam Equipment have what it takes for basic lab work, field use and various industrial applications. 15 weighing units, LCD display, Capacity tracker, overload protection, rechargeable battery, RS-232 and USB interface, Handical™ manual internal calibration with built-in mass. Some are NTEP approved as well.
  • vibra-ale322nc-dispensary-scale
    Intelligent Vibra ALE-NC Dispensary BalanceALE-NC series balances feature Vibra Tuning Fork Inside. NTEP Legal for Trade. Ideal for dispensary use.
  • intel-lab-ale-analytical-ntep-class-2-balance
    Intelligent-Lab ALE NTEP Class II Analytical BalanceALE series balances feature Vibra® Tuning Fork Inside. Direct to Windows® Software. Anti-static Draft Shield. LCD Graphic Display and RS232 Interface & USB Type B. Reads in g, ct, oz, lb, oz t, GN. Below Balance Weighing With Optional Hook. Pan Size: 4.65" / Draft Shield: 7.8"h. Made in Japan. NTEP Class II
  • AnD-GF-P-Pharmacy-Balance.jpg
    A&D Weighing GF-P Pharmacy BalanceA&D Legal-for-Trade Prescription Balance, ideal for Pill Counting & Compounding. One-Second Response Time. Meets Handbook 44 Requirements for a "Class A" Prescription Balance.
  • AnD-FX-i.jpg
    A&D Weighing FX-i Precision BalancesThe FX-i incorporates the reduced size Compact Super-Hybrid Sensor (SHS), which provides quick (one second) readings with high precision. The new Statistical Calculation Function (SCF) provides statistical data display or output of weighed samples
  • AnD-EKi.jpg
    A&D Weighing Everest Compact Balance EK-i & EW-i SeriesThe popular A&D Engineering EK-i and EW-i compact balance series provides a wide selection of capacities and resolutions. Its versatile features include full digital calibration and a large LCD display with backlight. Its small footprint, optional carrying case, and optional rechargeable NiCd battery make it convenient