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Discontinued - Intercomp PW800 Pallet Truck Scale

Discontinued - Intercomp PW800 Pallet Truck Scale

Intercomp PW800 Pallet Truck scale offers a cost effective solution to weigh on the go. The PW-800 is the preferred choice for Pallet Truck Scales because it integrates load cells within the existing forks. These cells offer the industry’s highest standard capacity at 5,000 x 1 lb with the lowest profile forks at 2.9"


Call: (919) 776-7737

Floor Scales are great. But sometimes you need to weigh a pallet and there isn't a scale nearby. So do you drive all the way to the nearest floor scale or perhaps "guess" at the weight? By adding a PW800 to your warehouse, now it's easy to check pallet weights anywhere in your plant, without hauling heavy loads of pallets to a stationary platform scale.

The Intercomp PW800™ Pallet Truck Scale offers you another cost-effective solution to weigh on the go! The PW-800 is the preferred choice in industrial companies for Pallet Truck Scales because it integrates load cells within the existing forks. These load cells offer the industry’s highest standard capacity at 5,000 x 1lb (2,500 x 0.5kg), with an accuracy of ±0.1%, combined with the lowest profile forks at 2.9" (74mm).

This popular pallet jack scale available from Central Carolina Scale operates on nine D-Sized Alkaline or NiCad rechargeable batteries for up to 400 hours of use. The 0.8" (20mm) LED display and membrane keypad provide increased visibility and functions for gross/net/tare and parts counting. All electronics are shock mounted and contained in a rugged and durable enclosure.


• 5,000 lb (2,500 kg) Capacity
• Accuracy of ±0.1% of Reading
• Large, Easy-to-Read, LED Display
• Lowest Profile Forks at 2.9" (685mm) and 48" (219mm) Overall Stance
• Can Use Customer Supplied Indicator & Available with FM Approved Load Cells
• Standard D-Cell Batteries providing up to 400 Hours of use




PART # .............. Item Description ................................................................ Weight
123000 .............. Pallet Weigh Truck (Fork Size: 27") Capacity 5000 x 1 lb ............... 305 lb






750501 ........ Certificate of Calibration
100922 ........ RS232 Serial Output
186002 ........ External charger w/ Batteries for PW800 (9 D Cell NiMH)
330111-PW .. 3 x 3 D Batteries
100919 ........ 120 VAC Battery charger including 9 NiCad D Batteries
100921 ........ Battery operated printer (requires PN: 100992) Must be ordered with scale
100857 ........ Charger External, 120/220v for 3 x 3 D Size Battery Stick NiCad/NiMH
123007 ........ Steel Wheels (two front rollers and rear wheel) Must be ordered with scale





No longer available (for reference only)
PW800-2148 Pallet weigh truck (21" x 48" forks) Capacity 5000 x 1 lb 300 lb p/n 113000