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Intercomp PT300 Wheel Load Scale

Intercomp PT300 Wheel Load Scale

Intercomp PT 300 Wheel Weigh Scales are digital wheel load scales designed to maximize legal payloads with concern for violations and reduction of maintenance due to overload stress on equipment. 12" wide platform accommodates single tire (outside tire in dual wheel configuration).


Call: (919) 776-7737

Intercomp PT 300 Wheel Weigh Scales are self-contained, high-capacity digital wheel load scale designed to maximize legal payloads with concern for violations and reduction of maintenance due to overload stress on equipment. 12" wide platform accommodates single tire (outside tire in dual wheel configuration). The PT300 scale is designed to maximize legal payloads with concern for violations and reduction of maintenance due to overload stress on equipment.

The industry benchmark and longest serving fully electronic portable wheel load scale. Individual PT-300 scale capacities from 5000 to 25,000 lbs yet lightweight at just around 40 pounds so you can take them to anywhere. This sturdy, all aluminum, fully electronic, self-contained wheel load scale is capable of weighing loads up to 25,000 lb with an accuracy of +/- 1%.

Intercomp PT 300 Wheel Load Scale

The display area can be lighted for night use by merely touching the "LAMP" switch. It is possible to sequentially couple 2, 4, or 6 PT300 scales in series, for the purpose of obtaining the total weight of all the preceding scales will be displayed. Back in the day, the scales were linked at the I/O terminal jack with an optional cable(s). However, the modern version of the PT-300 connects wireless.  The I/O terminal will also transmit required data to a printer or a display, such as Intercomp S400 ultra bright digital display. Also available are optional carrying cases that exceed government specifications.


NOW FEATURING: Fully Integrated RFX™ Wireless Weighing Technology!

The PT300™ scales are designed to maximize legal payloads with concern for violations and reduction of maintenance due to overload stress on equipment. The PT300™ is a sturdy, all aluminum, fully electronic, self-contained wheel load scale that is capable of weighing loads up to 25,000 lbs per platform with an accuracy of +/-1% and is available in two different width configurations, standard and double-wide for wider tire configurations.

The scales are fully battery powered through solar!  Solar power provides up to one year of battery life with daytime, outdoor use (up to 250 hours without solar power (batteries included).  Charging cables do not come standard with the scales. However they are still available and highly recommended for applications with low-light or indoor use.

The display can be lit for night use and it is possible to sequentially couple and number PT300™ scales in the series for the purpose of obtaining a total vehicle weight through the total button as well as link the scales to a computer, indicator, or Intercomp's PT20™ Universal CPU. Axles with spacing less than 9 foot should be weighed as a group. Use of multiple scales or dummy pads are needed to keep axles even in these situations.


- Accuracy of ±1% of Reading
- 5000 lb to 25,000 lb Pad Capacities Available
- Large, Easy-to-Read, LCD Display
- Scales come standard powered by Solar Power
- NTEP Approved Model Available (CoC# 90-106PA2)

Note: For Customers whose local regulations prevent the use of any wireless radio communication, Intercomp offers hard wired alternatives. Contact us for details.


PART # ............ DESCRIPTION ............................................ CAPACITY x GRADUATION ........... WEIGHT
181004-RFX   PT300 Wireless Solar Wheel Load Scale                 20,000 x 10 lb / 10,000 x 5kg           41 lb
181005-RFX   PT300 Wireless Solar Wheel Load Scale                 10,000 x 5 lb / 5000 x 2kg                41 lb
181006-RFX   PT300 Wireless Solar Wheel Load Scale                    5000 x 5 lb / 2500 x 2kg                41 lb
181007-RFX   PT300 Wireless Solar Wheel Load Scale                 20,000 x 20 lb / 10,000 x 10kg          41 lb
181008-RFX   PT300 Wireless Solar Wheel Load Scale (NTEP)     20,000 x 50 lb / 10,000 x 25kg         41 lb





PT-300 Options

101225-RFX     HH60 Handheld Indicator
101225-RFX-P  Handheld Indicator w/ Printer
101221-RFX     PT20 Weighing Controller w/ Printer 
100047            Carry Case (2 Scales)
100048            Carry Case (4 Scales)
100049            Carry Case (6 Scales)
100070            PT300 Ramp 
100088            Dummy weigh pads for leveling
100480            1 Scale Universal Charger
100492            Charger for Wheel Scale (2 Scale)
100493            Charger for Wheel Scale (4 Scale)
100494            Charger for Wheel Scale (6 Scale)
340105-RFX     Printer for printouts of wheel, axle weights




Older P/N's for Reference Only

100127-RFX  RFX Wireless PT300 Wheel Load Scale  20000 x 20 lb
100128-RFX  RFX Wireless PT300 Wheel Load Scale  20000 x 10 lb
100129-RFX  RFX Wireless PT300 Wheel Load Scale  10000 x 5 lb
100130-RFX  RFX Wireless PT300 Wheel Load Scale    5000 x 5 lb
100123-RFX  RFX Wireless PT300 Wheel Load Scale  25000 x 20 lb
100126  PT300 Wheel Load Scale RS485/20mA  20000 x 50 lb 
100124  PT300 Wheel Load Scale pad only 20,000 lb
100128  PT300 Wheel Load Scale RS485/20mA  20,000 x 10 lb