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cardinal scale manufacturing webb city missouri

Cardinal Scale Manufacturing

Cardinal Scale Manufacturing, is a famous industrial scale manufacturer who markets a complete line of quality weighing products and systems. Cardinal’s headquarters is in Webb City, Missouri. Central Carolina Scale is proud to offer the Cardinal Scale line of products like the 190 digital weight indicator and the Floorhugger heavy duty industrial floor scale. Established in 1950 by founder WH Perry.  You may have seen them on "How It’s Made" and "World’s Greatest!…" Cardinal Scale Manufacturing Company provides the customers of Central Carolina Scale a one-stop manufacturer for all of your weighing needs with an extensive product line of scales and weighing systems complete with a wide selection of peripheral equipment for your truck scale or weighing operation. Cardinal’s customer service and technical support center is all located at the factory headquarters in Webb City, MO. 

  • cardinal-guardian-pit-type-hydraulic-truck-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Guardian Hydraulic Truck Scale Concrete Pit TypeCardinal Guardian Hydraulic Pit Type Truck Scales with Concrete Deck are ideal for the solid waste, aggregate, chemical, grain, and construction industries because they offer a high level of protection against many of the conditions that can adversely affect truck scale installations.
  • cardinal-guardian-concrete-deck-hydraulic-truck-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Guardian Concrete Deck Hydraulic Truck ScaleCardinal Guardian Hydraulic Above Ground Truck Scales with Concrete Deck are ideal for industries because they offer a high level of protection against many of the conditions that can adversely affect truck scale installations like water, lightning, power surges, explosive areas, corrosion, welding and more.
  • cardinal-guardian-steel-deck-hydraulic-truck-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Guardian Hydraulic Steel Deck Truck ScaleCardinal Guardian Hydraulic Truck Scales are ideal for the solid waste & chemical industries because they offer a high level of protection against conditions like water and lightening. Cardinal builds their scales rock solid steel deck plate to stand up to heavy loads. Every Guardian factory assembled & tested before shipping
  • cardinal-825-spectrum-scale-controller.jpg
    Cardinal 825 Spectrum Digital Weight Indicator825 Spectrum full-color 640 x 480 pixel LCD touchscreen display, stainless steel enclosure, 64 MB memory, 4 bi-directional RS232 serial ports, 10/100 Base-T Ethernet, 3 USB ports, 8 programmable operators, Gross/Tare/Net conversion, QWERTY keypad & navigation keys. NTEP. Supports up to 14 load cells.
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    Cardinal 225 Navigator Digital Weight Indicator225 Navigator 240 x 64-pixel LCD, stainless steel IP66 washdown enclosure, 4 bi-directional RS232 serial ports, USB-B port, full QWERTY keypad, 4 soft keys, 13 function keys, navigation keys, 16 PWCs, ETR, 8 input control lines, 16 output control lines & 200 ID database. Supports upto 14 350-ohm load cells.
  • cardinal-201-din-rail-weight-transmitter.jpg
    Cardinal Model 201 Weight Transmitter201 weight transmitter features a DIN rail mounting bracket, PLC connectivity, powers up to 8 350-ohm load cells, NTEP, 6 digit transflective ColorZONE LCD for checkweighing, and communication protocols including serial RS232/RS485, mini USB-B, Analog (0-10V or 4-20mA), Ethernet TCP/IP, EIP & Modbus TCP
  • cardinal-190-storm-washdown-scale-indicator.jpg
    Cardinal 190 Storm Digital Weight IndicatorBuilt for extreme-use applications in the weighing industry, the Cardinal Scale 190 STORM IP69K-rated polycarbonate enclosure withstands high-temperature high-pressure wash downs. The 190 STORM features capacitive touch keys, 1-inch-high clearly visible LCD digits and versatile power options
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    Cardinal 210FE Large Digit Scale Readout210-FE 2.24-in high LED digits with brightness control, over-sized keypad, 15-in W x 9.7-in H (38-cm W x 24.6-cm H) stainless steel enclosure, remote control-ability, dual RS232 serial ports, push-button Gross/Tare/Net conversion and flexible print formats. NTEP. Supports up to 8 350-ohm load cells.
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    Cardinal 210 Storm Digital Weight IndicatorThe Cardinal Scale 210 weight indicator is loaded with features, including a stainless steel washdown enclosure, easy-to-read 0.6-in/15-mm high bright-red LED that displays weight to six digits, digital fill control, 25 single IDs, push-button Gross, Tare, Net conversion, flexible print formats, selectable weight units, alphanumeric keypad, tare, checkweighing, time and date, livestock weighing functions.
  • cardinal-205-digital-weight-indicator.jpg
    Cardinal 205 Storm Digital Weight Indicator205 Storm has washdown stainless steel desk or wall-mounted enclosure, 0.6 inch high LED, four RS232 serial ports, push-button tare, flexible print formats and selectable weight units. USB-B is standard and USB-A is optional. Versatile for general-purpose use with bench, floor, tank/hopper and more.
  • cardinal-rival-185-weight-readout
    Cardinal 185 Rival Digital Weight ReadoutCardinal Scale 185 Rival is a high-quality, economical durable weight indicator with bright-green LCD for easy viewing. The washdown IP66-rated attractive molded ABS enclosure is built for durability in harsh indoor or outdoor weighing applications. Also available with rechargeable battery power, the model 185B is powered by six standard, off-the-shelf AA Alkaline or rechargeable Ni-Cad or NiMH batteries.
  • cardinal-scale-sb600-remote-display
    Cardinal Scale SB600 Remote DisplayCardinal Scale SB600 remote display features a high-visibility, full-color graphics display with double-row LEDs in large 6-inch high characters that is ideal for use with digital weight indicators connected to truck scales, railroad scales, tank/hopper scales, livestock scales, and floor scales where weight needs to be viewed from a distance of up to 250 ft. Replaces SB500
  • cardinal-scale-rd2-remote-display.jpg
    Cardinal Scale RD2 Remote DisplayCardinal Scale RD2 remote display features quality, stainless steel enclosure, 2.25-inch/57 mm, 6-digit, 7-segment High LED display with 10 levels of brightness, 150 feet viewing range, bi-directional RS232 serial port, versatile mounting bracket, compact overall size, and 3 navigation keys.
  • cardinal-760-portable-axle-weight-scales.jpg
    Cardinal 760 Series Portable Axle ScalesCardinal 760PS (steel) and 760PA (aluminum) Axle Scales features high quality, portable construction, 7 x 2.5-foot, two-module axle platform, checkered deck, aluminum platform weight of only 400 lb each and 2,000 lb for steel, total scale capacity of 60,000 lb, four access ramps
  • cardinal-ruggedweigh-industrial-floor-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Rugged Weigh Industrial Floor ScaleRuggedweigh industrial floor scale has unique channel structure design that protects components, stainless steel load cells and junction box, low-profile platform, checkered steel deck, flexible footing for uneven floors, economically priced. NTEP legal-for-trade. 5000 & 10,000 lb capacity.
  • cardinal-ruggedweigh-180-floor-scale
    Cardinal RuggedWeigh Floor Scale PackageRuggedweigh industrial floor scale has unique channel structure design that protects components, stainless steel load cells and junction box, low-profile platform, checkered steel deck, flexible footing for uneven floors, choice of 180 or 204 indicator. NTEP legal-for-trade. 5000 lb capacity.
  • cardinal-floor-hugger-pallet-weigher.jpg
    Cardinal Floor Hugger Floor ScaleCardinal Scale Floor Hugger features quality low profile, checkered or smooth steel decks, stainless steel load cells, top side access to junction box, optional ramps, platform sizes from 3 x 3-foot to 12 x 10-foot, weight capacities from 1,000 to 20,000 lb. NTEP legal-for-trade. Custom sizes available.
  • cardinal-scale-mini-floor-hugger.jpg
    Cardinal Mini Floor Hugger Barrel WeigherCardinal Scale Mini Hugger floor scale is perfect for industrial applications. A single point, heavy-duty load cell with a 500 lb capacity, plus a 24 x 24-inch mild steel deck plate translates into low maintenance and high performance. Great for loading barrels and heavy containers on top.
  • Cardinal-Echelon-EH-Series-Economical-Floor-Scales
    Cardinal Echelon EH Series Economical Floor ScalesCardinal Scale Echelon EH series floor scales provide exceptional performance in light industrial and NTEP applications for warehouses, logistics operations, processing plants, and shipping/receiving departments. Ideally suited for pallet and package weighing, the Echelon checkered carbon steel deck tread plate with powder coat paint handles rugged industrial weighing use.
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    Cardinal Scale Run-A-Weigh Portable ScaleRun-a-Weigh portable floor scale features 24.5 x 30 platform with easy-access integral ramps, built-in handles and wheels, lightweight 95 lb frame for easy mobility and use in multiple locations. Available in mild steel deck or wash down 304-grade stainless steel smooth deck. 500 lb and 1,000 lb capacities.
  • cardinal-scale-admiral-190-bench-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Scale Admiral Series Cardinal Scale Admiral Series features quality, extremely heavy-duty platform, flow-through column design to eliminate water and material buildup, paired with the 190 Storm indicator, extreme temperature & water-pressure resistance, serial port, ColorZone checkweighing, & power options.
  • cardinal-hsdc-digital-hanging-scale.jpg
    Cardinal HSDC Digital Hanging ScalesCardinal HSDC Digital heavy duty crane scales feature NTEP legal-for-trade certification, 1-inch LCD, push button tare, auto shutoff, and controls for Power On, Zero, Gross, Tare, Net, and Off. Available in capacities of 20, 40, 100, 200, and 500 lb (not legal-for-trade), or 20, 40, and 100 kg.
  • cardinal-scale-p400-ticket-printer.jpg
    Cardinal P400 Dot Matrix Ticket PrinterCardinal P400 Ticket Printer is a multifunctional printer capable of printing a variety of tickets. This printer prints on the original and up to 4 copies up to 80 columns. Tickets can easily be inserted and removed. Front panel controls permit tickets to be advanced, reversed, or released.
  • cardinal-scale-winvrs-computer-software.jpg
    Cardinal WinVRS Vehicle Recording System SoftwareCardinal Scale's powerful WinVRS computer software keeps traffic moving over your truck scale by providing accurate collection of data on vehicles, accounts, orders, and materials. Unique user-defined fields allow you to easily configure the system to meet your needs. A wide range of reports are available
  • cardinal-yukon-off-road-vehicle-scale.jpg
    Cardinal Yukon Off-Road Heavy Duty Truck ScaleDesigned specifically for the mining industry and off-road vehicle weighing, the YUKON truck scale features an amazingly-high 70-ton concentrated load capacity with extra-thick, heavy-duty steel deck plate. Featuring extra-wide concrete or steel decks and are available with hydraulic or electronic load cell types
  • cardinal-scale-ICAN-junction-box.jpg
    Cardinal Scale ICAN Intelligent J-BoxCardinal Scale diagnostic and monitoring system, iCan offers analog to digital conversion system for all analog load cell systems, new or retrofit. Real-time load cell diagnostics identifies load cell problems before they cause inaccurate weighing, so scale downtime is minimized.
  • cardinal-waterproof-truckscale-kiosk.jpg
    Cardinal Satellite Weatherproof Truck Scale KioskCardinal Scale Satellite unattended weighing kiosks provide the ultimate experience in unmanned truck scale efficiency and streamlined data integration. The lockable, weather-proof enclosure features an articulating arm to retract the kiosk away from truck traffic when its not in use.
  • cardinal-snapstream-wireless-connectivity
    Cardinal SnapStream Wireless SystemsCardinal SnapStream is a fully-integrated NTEP legal-for-trade wireless scale system for commercial applications & offers a number of competitive advantages for new or pre-existing scale installations. SnapStream allows a scale to send weight data wirelessly to an indicator and the indicator in turn to send that data wirelessly to a host of peripheral equipment such as remote displays and printers
  • cardinal-scale-rd2x4-quad-display
    Cardinal Scale RD2X4 Quad DisplayCardinal Scale RD2X4 quad remote display provides readouts for multi-platform truck scales visible up to 150 feet away. The RD2X4’s high-intensity LED display offers bright-red 2.25-inch-high digits that are easily visible even in direct sunlight. Ten brightness level settings let you select the exact intensity for the best visibility in your environment.
  • cardinal-wrangler-portable-livestock-scale-trailer
    Cardinal Weight Wrangler Mobile Livestock ScalesCardinal Scale mobile Weight Wrangler group animal scales provide a self-contained NTEP legal-for-trade weighing system that can be used on any firm surface with up to a 5% grade. The livestock scales include an integral air pump to easily lift and lower the trailer’s air bag suspension. Models come in 18-ft-long tandem axle or 13-ft-long single axle.
  • cardinal-swim-truck-scale
    Cardinal SWIM Weigh-In-Motion Axle ScalesSlow-Speed In-Motion Load Cell-Based Scale. The Cardinal SWIM Series offers the ideal combination of accuracy and speed. The SWIM In-Motion Scale uses a single weighbridge contained in a solid lower frame. Each platform is supported by four Cardinal SCA Series Stainless Steel Compression Load Cells to weigh each axle end of a vehicle as it travels across the scale.
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    Cardinal ARMOR Truck Scales with Digital SmartCellsCardinal ARMOR digital truck scales are built to last through heavy-duty use and feature 135-ton capacity, 50-ton CLC, no moving parts below the scale deck (including the load cells), steel deck or pour-in-place concrete deck weighbridges, SmartCell® stainless steel waterproof digital load cells, axis® frictionless centering system load cell stands, baked-on tan powder coat paint, and iSite remote monitoring software.
  • cardinal-sls-single-animal-livestock-scale
    Cardinal SLS Single Animal Livestock ScaleCardinal Scale SLS series steel deck single animal livestock scales are available with or without a livestock pen and dual slide-out gates. They feature an extremely accurate 2500 lb x 0.5 lb or 5000 lb x 1 lb capacity, varying widths and lengths & rubber mat interior flooring for sure footing and noise reduction, NTEP certification. For weighing cattle, swine, horses, sheep, goats, and more.
  • cardinal-sb555-remote-display
    Cardinal SB555 Remote Display w/ Traffic Light & MirroringLarge 5 in high-intensity dual-row LED display with red-and-green/stop-and-go traffic lights. Powder coat painted steel, weatherproof IP65-rated enclosure with built-in rain/sun hood. High visibility 250 ft viewing range with a +/- 70 degree viewing angle. Mirror Feature that mirrors the display every five (5) seconds allowing the weight to be seen in vehicle mirrors when leaving the scale.
  • Cardinal-C-Series-Portable-Counting-Scale.jpg
    Cardinal C Series Portable Counting ScaleCardinal C series portable counting scales are available in various capacities & feature a rechargeable battery pack, up to 9 direct quick keys, stainless steel platform, piece counts with known & unknown weight samples, & accumulator mode. Ideal for inventory counting where mobility is a must!
  • cardinal-eb-185-ntep-scales
    Cardinal EB-185 Series Bench ScaleCardinal Scale EB bench scales with 185 Rival weight indicators feature battery power allowing them to be moved easily to multiple locations, bold 1 inch high backlit LCD for high-visibility readouts, 3 platform sizes and 5 capacities available. Capacities range from 15 lb up to 300 lb and the EB series is NTEP, OIML, and Measurement Canada legal for trade.
  • cardinal-scale-smartcan-analog-digital-system
    Cardinal Scale SmartCan Digital Conversion SystemYou can now digitize any existing analog scale using Cardinal Scale’s SmartCan analog-to-digital conversion system. SmartCan allows users to digitally monitor each individual load cell and identify cell failures quickly and effectively. The SmartCan system utilizes the advanced, internationally-standardized CAN (Controller Area Network) serial bus system to digitize the analog output signals
  • cardinal-scale-ctp-1-ticket-printer
    Cardinal CTP-1 Ticket PrinterCardinal CTP-1 Dot Matrix Ticket Printer prints up to 2.1 lines per second. Its features include insert ticket and multiple copy printing. It interfaces with Cardinal indicators via a RS-232 serial port. Standard serial printer cable provided. Character size is 2.9 mm x 1.6 mm and the printer has 35 columns.

Looking for a Scale Manufacturer That Makes Quality Weighing Products?

Cardinal has been manufacturing and offering quality weighing products for decades out of Webb City. The weighing operation offers a complete line from small portion control devices to a truck scale with accuracy unmatched. Be sure to check out our website for the latest news and product offerings from Cardinal, including their Cardinal Scale load cells. The catalog page is a complete listing of Cardinal products available.